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Social-Media ROI Elusive: MarketingProfs PollMetrics & ROISocial media measurement is top of mind among marketers surveyed in an informal poll by MarketingProfs: 47% of respondents say social media measurement is important to them.
Recession Bottoming out: Conference BoardStrategyThe recession is bottoming out and economic activity will likely begin to recover soon, the Conference Board's composite economic indexes suggest, the Conference Board said.
Quiet on the (Twitter) Set!Social MediaRecently, TubeMogul reported that Twitter refers some of the least-fickle viewers to video sites, with tweeties watching videos 36.91 percent longer than those referred by Facebook, and 49.98 percent longer than those referred by Digg. Got dreams of broadcasting live to this eager bunch? Now you can! Ride the statistical wave ...
Top 15 Food & Beverage Websites, July 2009Web SitesThe websites of the Food Network and All Recipes battled it out for the July top spot among food & beverage websites in the US, according to Hitwise.
One Size Fits NobodySales"In light of the economy, more and more marketers are concerned with late-stage leads," says Karen Landis in a recent post at the My Educated Guess blog. "While many marketers won't discount [newer] leads entirely, they will stop messaging them on the theory that they are too early-on in the ...
'Fine' Might Not Mean 'Fine'General ManagementAsk the typical teenager how his day went and you'll probably get a vague response like "Fine," or "Okay." Follow up with a specific question about a science test, however, and you might just get an earful about the teacher who has it out for him, an unfair grading curve ...
20% of Commercial Emails Not DeliveredEmail MarketingAs the global recession grinds on, marketers continue to turn to email marketing to drive sales. But those efforts often confront email-deliverability obstacles: In the US and Canada, more than 20% of commercial email doesn't reach subscribers' inboxes.
Stop Blaming the RecessionGeneral ManagementIn recent months, argues Lisa Barone in a post at the Outspoken Media blog, we've had a ready and convenient excuse when things don't go our way. It doesn't really matter what the setback might be; the simple act of blurting out "recession" seems to cover a number of professional ...
The New Downside of 24/7Social MediaWho's that bleary-eyed chap in the corner? Why, he's the CMO who stayed up all weekend conducting WOM (word-of-mouth) damage-control—after one bad Saturday-morning customer tweet. Welcome to the new downside of 24/7. "Buzz isn't scheduled, especially bad buzz," says Jackie Huba in a Church of the Customer blog post. "Thanks to ...
Top 15 Community-Related Search Terms, June 2009Non-ProfitThe top community-related search terms in June were led by "freecycle," "aarp," and "ymca." The top 15 terms deal mostly with nonprofit and charitable organizations.
Avoid Gmail's Black HoleEmail MarketingIn a post at Copyblogger, Sonia Simone reports on a recent study from Return Path that found 23 percent of permission-based email never reaches the inbox of Gmail users. "No, I'm not saying it goes to a junk box," she says. "Most of it doesn't get delivered at all. No ...
Cha-Ching!Metrics & ROIIf your company has customer and transaction databases, says Fred Pratt in a post at the Air Waves blog, you already have a wealth of information that can be harnessed for even greater profits. "The challenge," he explains, "is making sense of all this information so that it is actionable. ...
Top 15 Computers & Internet Industry Sites, July 2009Web SitesThe websites of search giant Google, social-media leader Facebook, and Yahoo's email service topped the list of websites in the computers & Internet industry in July, according to Hitwise.
Mary, Mary Quite ContraryGeneral ManagementWhen we have great ideas, we naturally gravitate to opinions that support their validity. But in a post at his blog, Dave Fleet says it's just as important to identify where our thinking may be flawed or underdeveloped. In other words, every marketing team needs a devil's advocate. To explain ...
How Can I Find the Words?Search Engine MarketingIn a recent post on the SEO.com blog, Dustin Williams notes that every successful search campaign starts with finding the right keywords. It's important to not rush that precious keyword research, he says, because, "the goal is not only to rank well for many search terms but to also rank well ...
Stop! I'm Blushing!Customer RelationshipsMost independent automotive repair shops yearn for a steady supply of positive reviews at sites like Yelp.com. But Yuki Import Service of Los Angeles has placed a few prominent signs in the waiting area that politely ask its customers not to post positive reviews at any websites. What gives? ...
How's This for Passing the Buck?Email MarketingOne year ago, Lynda Partner wrote—but did not publish—a blog post that eviscerated a software company for taking liberties with her email address, and then treating her complaint with stunning indifference. "Why publish it now, you ask? This week I got more spam from this same company," she says. "It ...
Social Media Users ProfiledSocial MediaMarketers continue to grapple with effectively allocating media in a changing consumer-controlled marketplace in which social media is a growing force. But who are these consumers using social media, what are their social-media usage patterns, and do they actually buy anything?
The Color of MoneyCustomer BehaviorAs environmental awareness continues to rise, the average consumer has become more conscious of the need to make greener choices. A post at the Osocio blog highlights a satirical cartoon from Lunchbreath that skewers marketers who respond to the trend with disingenuous, "greenwashed" packaging that relies on elements like this: ...
A Whole New Way to UnsubscribeEmail MarketingAs an email marketer, you'll be, well, interested in a new development at Gmail. "Some of you already use the 'Report Spam' button on all kinds of unwanted email," Brad Taylor tells users in a post at the Gmail blog, "and for that we're very thankful: The more spam you ...
Ad Spending Share by Medium, May 2009AdvertisingTelevision—Network, Cable, and Local—accounts for the vast majority of ad spending according to the latest adspend-share data from Nielsen.
Stellar Viral Videos, Pt. IISocial MediaLast week, we showed you some cool makeup vids as an example of how viral videos can rack in the mega-bucks. This time, we offer a sample of how a consistent, useful and compelling online video campaign can serve your brand amazingly well. Consider "Will it Blend," a fascinating online ...
Are You Drippy or Loopy?SalesAlthough B2B marketers may use the terms drip marketing and closed-loop marketing interchangeably, they are actually two distinctly different approaches to lead nurturing, says Maria Pergolino in a recent post at the Modern B2B Marketing blog. She offers a breakdown of the differences between the two techniques. Some highlights: A ...
When Silence Speaks VolumesGeneral ManagementFinding the right people for your marketing team can be a challenge, especially when you check references and find that former employers are guarded in their comments. "[I]f a candidate is less than outstanding," says Douglas Hanna in a post at the Service Untitled blog, "a lot people are hesitant ...
Look to Where the Sun Is ShiningSegmentation"The Hispanic market seems to be the only one still flourishing these days in the face of economic doom and gloom," says Blaire Borthayre in an article at MarketingProfs. And there are, she argues, a number of reasons why the buying power of these savvy consumers will likely grow to ...
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